Environment, often referred to as the environment, is a term that can encompass all living and non living in nature that exist on Earth or part of the Earth, which works naturally without excessive human intervention.
Opponents of the environment is an artificial environment, which includes the area and its components are heavily influenced by humans.
environmental problems that are often experienced in the world are: Deforestation
Forest areas are key areas of biodiversity, forests also absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. But the rate of global deforestation could reach about 32 million hectares per year. In addition, drought
caused by global warming could worsen the situation in some areas of forest.
Greenhouse effect The livestock industry is the producer of greenhouse gas emissions are the largest, which is 18%. This amount is more than the combined emissions of all greenhouse gases worldwide transportation at 13%. Greenhouse gas emissions include the livestock industry 9% carbon dioxide, 37% methane gas (heating effect in 72
times more potent than CO2), 65% nitrous oxide (296 times the warming effect more powerful than CO2), and 64% ammonia causes acid rain
water pollutionTwo-thirds of the surface of planet Earth is covered with water . When water is polluted , of course, can lead to life on earth can not live . Impacts of global warming are also changing patterns of water availability for drinking and agriculture .
Buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphereCarbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases are pollutants that can increase greenhouse gas emissions . Many factories and vehicle exhaust gases will increase the amount of greenhouse gas emissions .Endangered animalsWhen the habitat changes and threatened , the animals in it are also under pressure . 2008
Red List of endangered species published by the World Conservation
Union identified nearly 45,000 species are threatened with extinction .The rapid rate of population growthIn 2007 , the world population exceeds 6 billion . That year also marked the first time in history more people live in cities than rural areas . Six
billion people continue to compete for survival with the actual natural
resources are limited , such as water , food and fuel .Melting ice in the Arctic ( North Pole )Recent
studies estimate that Arctic waters could melt and ice free in the
summer at least 30 years sooner than previous estimates . Melting
ice in the Arctic could strengthen the trend of global warming and
endanger occupants of the North Pole itself , from humans to polar bears
.The collapse of the Antarctic ice sheet ( South Pole )Wilkins is one of nine layers of Antarctic ice has receded or collapsed in recent decades . Ice sheet collapse is the most dramatic Larsen A and B , which collapsed suddenly in 1995 and 2002 .Hole in the ozone layerEarth's ozone layer protects occupants by absorbing harmful ultraviolet rays . But the heavy use of chemicals and pollutants can make a big hole in the ozone layer . It takes up to tens of years to be able to restore the ozone layer as before .Widespread marine dead zonesZone
of the Dead Sea is a sea bag where oxygen is depleted so many fish ,
shellfish and other spesien can not survive, as there are in the Gulf of
Mexico . This
zone is formed when fertilizer runoff from the river and make a lot of
algae ( marine plants which produce oxygen ) die and rot .Marine reef crisisCoral reefs are an important marine habitat for many marine species . But
the last few decades , many coral reefs are in crisis due to
overfishing , marine pollution , diseases , warming and ocean
acidification . Ocean waters are becoming more acidic as they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere . That is, the more air pollution , more acidic ocean water .
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Masalah Lingkungan hidup di Indonesia saat ini: penebangan hutan secara liar/pembalakan hutan; polusi air dari limbah industri dan pertambangan; polusi udara di daerah perkotaan (Jakarta merupakan kota dengan udara paling kotor ke 3 di dunia); asap dan kabut dari kebakaran hutan; kebakaran hutan permanen/tidak dapat dipadamkan; perambahan suaka alam/suaka margasatwa; perburuan liar, perdagangan dan pembasmian hewan liar yang dilindungi; penghancuran terumbu karang; pembuangan sampah B3/radioaktif dari negara maju; pembuangan sampah tanpa pemisahan/pengolahan; semburan lumpur liar di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur; hujan asam yang merupakan akibat dari polusi udara. contoh : membuang sampah di kali,polusi udara,dan penebangan hutas secara liar. contoh gambar :
lingkungan hidup adalah segala sesuatu yang ada di sekitar manusia dan berhubungan timbal balik. lingkungan hidup ini mencakupi benda hidup dan benda mati. benda hidup perlu makan dan berkembang biak seperti manusia, binatang, dan tumbuhan. benda mati antara lain tanah, air, api, batu dan udara. jika terpelihara dengan baik, lingkungan hidup itu dapat menciptakan masyarakat yang sehat, aman, tentram, lahir dan batin
indonesia merupakan paru-paru dunia ke dua. indonesia memiliki hutan lebat yang memberikan banyak oksigen di negara ini terdapat tumbuh-tumbuhan dan hewan yang khas, seperti matoa, kayu cendana, burung cendrawasih, orang uta, dan komodo.
indonesia merupakan paru-paru dunia ke dua. indonesia memiliki hutan lebat yang memberikan banyak oksigen di negara ini terdapat tumbuh-tumbuhan dan hewan yang khas, seperti matoa, kayu cendana, burung cendrawasih, orang uta, dan komodo.
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